WordPress API Integration Services

With the more integrated web it’s often important for websites to communicate with many external systems through APIs, I am often tasked with integrating external APIs into WordPress websites.

A few examples of the type of API integrations I’ve done.

Property Management Software

Dozens of integrations with property management softwares including Dezrez, Jupix and Alto to WordPress integration, to display properties for let/sale on estate agent websites. Properties could be filtered by the usual filters (no. of bedrooms etc.) or viewed on a map with draw-a-search capabilities.

Infusionsoft WordPress Integration

Multiple integrations with Infusionsoft CRM, including creating and updating contacts, adding tags and custom meta data and scripts to sync data between Infusionsoft contacts and other systems.

Payment Processing

Integrations with payment processors Stripe and GoCardless, including developing data analysis tools to check subscriptions and integrated with CRMs to keep data in sync.

Bullhorn WordPress Integration

Integrations with recruitment software Bullhorn to display open job listings on a recruiter’s website.

Email Marketing Integrations

Integration with APIs like Twilio, Mailjet, Mailchimp and Mandrill to manage email notifications or maintain email lists.

Ready to get started?

Fantastic! Shoot me over an email to simon@devupnorth.co.uk with details of what you’d like integrating and I’ll get back to you asap.

Please note, I only work with UK based individuals and organisations.

Get in touch