Spektrix iFrame CSS and Design Service

Ensuring that the booking flow within the Spektrix iFrames matches the style of your website is important to build trust and brand awareness with your visitors.

If when a customer clicks the book ticket button, the website suddenly changes fonts, colours etc. it can cause confusion.

Luckily Spektrix allows comprehensive customising of the iFrame’s design with CSS, this means that we can change fonts, colours, buttons etc. to match the rest of your website. We can’t re-order or add elements within the iFrames but we can tweak how things look to make it fit in better.


Introducing my Spektrix iFrame CSS styling service.

I offer a full Spektrix to WordPress integration service, but if you just need the iFrame flow to match your site then I can help with my design and CSS Spektrix service.

I’ll take a look at your current website (or designs if your website is in development) and design the Spektrix iFrame flow to match your website so that the checkout process looks seamless. I work with you on the design to get it how you want it before producing your CSS stylesheet which can be uploaded to your Spektrix administration area to use on your website.

Most websites have their own events grid and enter the iFrame flow at the purchase ticket stage. So rather than charging a set price for all websites, my service has a price for each page so if you can pick and choose which pages you need. The price includes the initial design, revisions and the final CSS stylesheet.

Page Price
Event List £100
Event Calendar £100
Event Details £75
Choose Seats/Tickets £75
Basket £100
Checkout £100
My Account Pages £100
Donations £50
Memberships £50
Merchandise £50
Gift Vouchers £50
Offers £50


I've already designed the iFrame flow, can you use that?

Read more about I've already designed the iFrame flow, can you use that?

I certainly can. Send it across when you enquire and I’ll give you a price for coding it up into CSS. However, please be aware that we can only add styling to the elements that are already present within the iFrames, we can’t add elements or re-order them. I’ll advise when you enquire if there are any parts of your design that wouldn’t work.

Will I need my web developer to do anything?

Read more about Will I need my web developer to do anything?

Potentially. It depends on how the iFrames are set up on your website currently, if they have the Stylesheet parameter set up then we either need to replace their current stylesheet in which case you’d lose that as it gets overwritten or they’d need to change the Stylesheet parameter in the code.

My iFrame isn't resizing, can you fix that?

Read more about My iFrame isn't resizing, can you fix that?

This is usually due to a misconfiguration or a bit of code that missing from your website. I can normally advise on how to fix this if you get in touch.

I'm not based in the UK, do you provide service outside of the UK?

Read more about I'm not based in the UK, do you provide service outside of the UK?

Unfortunately not, I currently only take on clients from the UK.